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Which Door leads to life?

Updated: Mar 18

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

John 10:9. KJV

I was 18 when I first heard the full gospel presentation for the first time in my life. My friend used a tract, explaining the gospel and asked if I wanted to pray to 'receive Jesus into my heart'. I didn't quite know what she meant, but I said yes anyways.

First, I just plainly thought rejecting her offer could be rude. Second, I thought if Jesus can bring me something good, then yea, I’ll pray to receive Him into my heart (whatever that means). So watch out when sharing the good news to people of polytheist cultural background like Japan! It's very possible that they just added Jesus into the collection of their many gods for their convenience.

But Jesus explicitly says “I am THE door”, whom ‘ If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture (John 10:9).

In English Standard Version, it is written "I am the gate..." which may give us a more accurate picture of what Jesus had in mind since He was most likely talking about the sheep gate.

Whether we like it or not He is the only way to salvation because He is the only one who laid His life for us to be saved.

But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners,

Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8 CSB

Heart behind this painting & reflection


In this artwork, you see the gigantic tree growing in abundance through the door, for He came “so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10b) What did Jesus meant by 'having life in abundance'? How is it different from this world's definition of 'having life in abundance'? Can those be stolen, killed and destroyed by a thief?

/Anybody can go in/

Jesus said "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, ... " (John 10:9a) (emphasis mine). This shows how much of salvation is not because of what I have done/not done, or what I have/don't have but truly a gift of God given by grace because of who Jesus is and what He has done for us as THE door.

You might laugh at my analogy, but I feel like every time I try to feel good about myself by obtaining something, I attach that stuff as part of my body, literally making me too BIG for me to go through the gate.


I can still go through the gate but it's awfully tiring, unnecessarily strenuous.

For example, when my art is accepted by more people, I sometimes 'feel' like I am somehow more valuable. From this world's point of view, perhaps I might become more 'valuable' but in God's eyes, people's praise and acceptance will not make me a more acceptable and lovable person.

What have you attached to yourself recently to make yourself feel more valuable/worthy? What would change if we base our value on what God says we are instead of what we think we are/what others think we are? 

Artwork & Story by Keiko Iris Yamada

Music Director at Vine International Fellowship

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