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Hidden Images in this Artwork ( literally have to do a handstand to see it.)


This artwork is inspired by Psalm 92:4.

For you have made me rejoice, Lord, by what you have done;

I will shout for joy because of the works of your hands.

Psalm 92:4 CSB

For many, the word "joy" is most relatable when life is going well- when blessings, or blessings in disguise, are easy to recognize. It's natural to acknowledge our good God and shout for joy at the works of His hands in such moments.

However, our understanding of joy is truly tested when we face evil, distress, depression, and all the things that we wish did't exist. In the world where darkness often seems to prevail, how can possibly remain joyful?

The psalmist who wrote Psalm 92 was no foreigner to sorrow or evil. Yet, despite the challenges, he found a way to shout for joy in the midst of it. I created this artwork based on Psalm 92:4, with the hope that it will accompany and inspire a deeper discovery of joy, even in difficult times.

pause and see

Especially the artwork, its easy to glance at it and go on to the next things. But "sabbath" invites us to slow down and ponder, reflect, and adjust. Psalm 92 was written for the Sabbath. To pause and to focus on what God has done instead of being carried away with what we have done or we were not able to do yet.

Reflection Question #1

When was the last time that you have paused and reflected on what God has done, instead of what we have done? Can we do that now?

EYES to See things beyond what we physically see

God often trains us to 'see' beyond what is visible to the eye.

To look at people past outward appearance and circumstances, but to see their inner state.

To look at our possession not as ours to keep forever but to use it to store treasures in 'unseen' heaven.

To foresee the final and perfect judgement by God Himself even while seeing the evil at work today.

So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen.

For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18. CSB

Reflection Question #2

What are we 'seeing' today and how is it affecting you? Is it cultivating joy in you or stealing joy in you?

see things upside down

By now, I hope you've had a change to view this artwork upside down- though not necessarily by doing a handstand (just kidding). But I hope you've discovered the hidden image: a piano keyboard reflected in the bottom half of the painting.

I believe that God has placed a keyboard within our hearts, yet not everyone is playing it. Many of us don't tap into it. I still remember my friend telling me, "Keiko, why are you waiting for something else, somebody else to give you permission to be joyful?".

I have been reading book of John a lot lately, and I'm amazed by how often Jesus speaks of joy including John 15:11.

I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. John 15:11

Reflection Question #3

I wonder if "Jesus' joy in us" looks more like Christ-like "Character" gradually being engraved and cultivated within us over a long period of walking with Him, rather than a "heightened feeling of pleasure". What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

Keiko Iris Yamada

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